Posts tagged Books
"Imminent Dawn," by R. R. Campbell

Science Fiction

I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to reading epic tales with intense, mind-twisting plots. (Not to say romance novels can’t have intricate and intriguing plots—because they can and quite often do—but they don’t compare to the amount of brain-power and focus it takes to make sense of a science fiction or fantasy.) That all being said, Imminent Dawn by R. R. Campbell was definitely one of those long, twisty, challenging reads… and, I adored it.

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"The Immortal Coil," by J. Armand

★ ★

Urban / Dark Fantasy & Science Fiction

Okay, folks, this week’s review might go a bit off the rails because… hot frickety-frick-frack this is good stuff. I’d seen J. Armand’s book babies floating around the Twitterverse for a while thanks to his involvement in #writeLGBTQ, and I was positively champing at the bit to get my hands on them. So when we connected and scheduled him for a review on my blog several months ago? I was doing a butt-wiggle dance all up in my #amwriting nest. And let me tell ya, my lovely ladies, gents, and NBs… The Immortal Coil did not disappoint.

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"Masks," by Amara Lynn

Urban Fantasy / Gay (M/M) Romance

Okay, my lovelies, this week’s review is of the super variety. Superhero and supervillain, to be exact! Masks by Amara Lynn falls into the old faithful antihero trope, but with a lovely little twist.

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"Being Neighborly," by Meka James

★ ★

Contemporary Interracial & Erotic Romance

Voyeurism has never been one of my personal kinks—of which there are many, I’ll admit! 🤣—but this Dirty Bits novella from Carina Press, written by the fantabulous Meka James, may have introduced me to a new fetish. 😁 Being Neighborly is a smoldering erotic romance with a contemporary interracial pairing that’ll have you fanning yourself from page one. Literally.

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"Frost," by Isabelle Adler

★ ★

Post-Apocalyptic Gay (M/M) Romance

I’m going to start off this week’s review with a holy shmoly! I went into Frost by Isabelle Adler—and published by NineStar Press—completely blind, which isn’t something I make a habit of, but something I’m learning can be very, very fun.

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"Love Done Write," by Amelia Foster

★ ★

Erotic Romance

To kick off my new Off Schedule, Off Theme Reviews segment, I’m doing a review for my absolute favorite author in all the world… who also happens to be my BFF, alpha reader, and an all-around amazing human being. Love Done Write by Amelia Foster—published by Evernight Publishing—is a smoldering erotic romance novella that hits every sweet, steamy note.

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"Appetites & Vices," by Felicia Grossman

★ ★

Historical Romance

Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies! 💕 I’m so excited to feature this week’s smashingly brilliant historical romance with a Jewish heroine and a smolderingly sexy bad boy hero. Appetites & Vices, by Felicia Grossman—released by Carina Press—as my lovers’ holiday review! It’s a treat and a half, to say the least. It’s also the first in a series, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!

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"Valhalla," by L.A. Ashton

★ ★

Historical Fantasy / Romance

Okay, my lovelies, this week’s review had me positively devouring every last word. When I sat down to start Valhalla by L.A. Ashton—from NineStar Press—I only intended to read the first chapter. I had a million things on my to-do list and simply wanted to spend a little me time with a good book and a cuppa Joe. However, next thing I knew, I was hitting the end and frantically swiping left in hopes of more words miraculously appearing on my phone.

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"Anything Once," by Meka James

★ ★

Contemporary Interracial & Erotic Romance

This week’s review finds us delving into an established romance written by one of my favorite erotic authors, Meka James. Anything Once, from Limitless Publishing, is a tasty look into the life of a married couple facing real life problems… and hot, sizzlin’ sexual explorations. As always, Ms. James delivers with her erotic scenes, and leaves you swoony-sighing over her romance.

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