"Frost," by Isabelle Adler


Post-Apocalyptic Gay (M/M) Romance

Purchase Links: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon CA, Amazon DE, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and direct from the publisher, NineStar Press.

Purchase Links: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon CA, Amazon DE, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and direct from the publisher, NineStar Press.

Book Blurb

The end of the world as they knew it had come and gone, and the remnants of mankind struggle to survive in a barren landscape. Twenty-three-year-old Finn sets out on a desperate mission to scavenge for the much-needed medicine to help his sister. He knows better than to trust anyone, but when a total stranger saves him from a vicious gang, the unexpected act of kindness rekindles Finn’s lost faith in humanity.

The tentative friendship with his rescuer, Spencer, gradually turns into something more, and for the first time in years, Finn lets himself yearn for joy and hope in the dead of nuclear winter—right until Spencer goes missing.

They say love is the greatest power of all, but it seems it would take nothing short of a miracle to overcome the dangers that threaten to destroy Finn’s only chance for happiness and the lives of his loved ones.

My Review

I’m going to start off this week’s review with a holy shmoly! I went into Frost by Isabelle Adler—and published by NineStar Press—completely blind, which isn’t something I make a habit of, but something I’m learning can be very, very fun.


This was an amazing novella that dove into a post-apocalyptic space with such gorgeous world building and flawless character development that I was near-to-drooling by the time I finished. My readerly bum was on the edge of my seat and my nails were gnawed to nubs. There is such beautiful tension and organic conflict stemming from the harrowing world our main characters find themselves living within.


I got so completely sucked into this story I skipped a meal and went on to have nightmares about the vivid hellscape Ms. Adler plops her characters into. But don’t fret, my lovelies. This is a romance at its core, and despite the challenges and conflicts our heroes face, there is a very satisfying HEA. One you won’t entirely see coming, but isn’t that the best kind?!


I would recommend this book to any gay romance reader, but especially those who enjoy phenomenal world building and realistic conflicts mixed with just the right amount of adventure.

So, what are you waiting for? Frost is available for your immediate reading pleasure!
