"Slower," by Deana Birch


Contemporary rockstar romance

Purchase Links: Amazon, Other Fine Retailers

Purchase Links: Amazon, Other Fine Retailers

Book Blurb

Speed bumps are there for a reason. Especially after barreling through the genesis of a relationship. But when rock drummer, Jake, and his career-driven girlfriend, Louana, blow through stop signs and red lights, sirens flare. The two learn one thing: If they want their love to last, Slower is the only way to go.

My Review

This week’s read is a special one, as it’s the first time I’ll be covering a second book for an author I’ve already done a review for. In fact, it’s extra, doubly special because said author, and said book, just happen to be my very first book review on this blog! Faster, by Deana Birch, the first book in this rockstar romance duology, was a phenomenal read… and Slower, the conclusion to the series, didn’t disappoint.

Faster finds our romantic leads, Jake and Louana, falling in love. And as the title suggests, they do so in a magnificent whirlwind. Which means, in Slower, they realize it’s clearly time to, well, slow things down. Especially if they want to keep the love they have alive.

I must say, one of my favorite little nuggets Ms. Birch included in this series is the fact that the titles aren’t just clever hints at the relationship arc each book portrays. They’re also song titles written by our suave and sexy drummer lead, Jake Riley. Two big thumbs up for the epic level of sharp-witted awesome.

I don’t want to give too many spoilers, as this book takes quite a few unexpected twists and turns that I want you, as readers, to experience for yourselves. Makes them all the more jaw-dropping and “Wait, but, what?!” However, I will say this: You will never see a man work harder to win back the love of his life.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance, especially of the rockstar variety! 😎

So, what are you waiting for? Slower is available for pre-order or can be purchased for immediate enjoyment on or after its release date, November 27th, 2018! And in the meantime, why don’t those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of reading Faster get your little booties on over to Amazon or one of your other favored retailers and remedy that with a quickness! After all, you wanna know how Jake and Louana began, so you can truly appreciate how they end. (And by that I totally don’t mean to imply there isn’t an HEA… because there totally is… and it’s a big, bad, sexy one!) 😈

Until next time,

E 💕
