"King Unveiled," by Taralynn Moore


Young Adult Science Fiction Romance

Book Blurb

The spellbinding first installment of Taralynn Moore’s KING series.

Three hearts.
Two loves.
Unending lies.

Bria has no idea her life is a carefully woven tapestry of design and predestination. Until a helicopter, a quiet beach cove, and the pull of piano chords usher in the unraveling of her world.

And David.

His music sparked her spirit, long before she knew him, before she knew herself. Now, with love and lives on the line, they can’t escape their fated connection or the family company that owns them and their hearts.

Jon has been her constant companion. Her rock. Her anchor. But when the perfect outcome of their parental set-up turns out to be a cover, her protected existence begins to fall apart, and so does their relationship and its foundation of necessary lies.

All three must unite, must fight, for family, for freedom, with a bond so strong even torn hearts can’t tear them apart.

Let sweeping descriptions, heated action scenes, and quiet romantic moments keep you on a pinwheel of emotions you won't soon forget.

And don’t miss King Abdication, the riveting second book in the KING series releasing fall of 2019!

My Review

I didn’t grow up in a religious home, so the story of King David isn’t one I’m familiar with. However, if King Unveiled by Taralynn Moore gives any indication, I’m positive it’s a riveting and emotional story.

I’m not typically a fan of love triangles, but Ms. Moore does a lovely job of portraying this particular one with grace and ease. I understand the emotions each of the three leads might be feeling, and while I can’t fathom being in any of their shoes, their responses and reactions feel genuine to who they are as characters. But, while this story is certainly a romance, it is also so much more. There’s intrigue, unexpected twists, and a science fiction vibe that’ll wow your socks off.

I adore this story, and I fell hard for these characters. I struggled a great deal because of how much I wanted all the characters to be happy and rewarded with the true love they deserve. As with all love triangles, that simply can’t be the case. However, I’m holding out hope that the next book in the series will find the forgotten in this book his own HEA.

If I had to pick a favorite thing about this reading experience, it would undoubtedly be the quality of Ms. Moore’s writing. She can turn a phrase like no other, and her prose are gorgeous. I could probably read a grocery list written by Taralynn Moore and be sucked in until the end.

I would recommend this book to lovers of big, epic stories. Especially those who enjoy a good YA, although this story does straddle the line of YA and NA. Either way, it’s a sweet, innocent, and enjoyable ride that’ll leave any science fiction romance lover satisfied.

So, what are you waiting for? King Unveiled is available for your immediate reading pleasure!

Until next time,

